Angelina Jolie’s Dark Secret: How She Hired a Hitman to End Her Life.


The article is about Angelina Jolie’s past struggle with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts, which led her to hire a hitman to kill her when she was 22 years old.
xhamster Article

  • The article is about Angelina Jolie’s past struggle with mental health issues and suicidal thoughts, which led her to hire a hitman to kill her when she was 22 years old.
  • Jolie revealed this shocking story in an interview with The Face in 2003, where she said she was depressed and unhappy with her life and career, and felt guilty about the impact her suicide would have on her family and friends.
  • Jolie said she found a hitman in New York who agreed to kill her in a staged robbery, but he asked her to wait for two months and think about it. In that time, something changed in Jolie’s life and she decided to stick it out.
  • Jolie said the hitman was a decent person who saved her life by giving her a chance to reconsider. She also said she was aware that many people consider suicide when they are young, but she urged them to seek help and support.
  • Jolie has since overcome her mental health issues and has become one of the most successful and influential actors and humanitarians in the world. She has also been open about her PTSD diagnosis and how she copes with it. 

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